As today is the middle of a week, and a work day for this poor lawyer, I decided to post about everyday makeup for work (or school) that’s still super cute and has a gyaru flavour. For me, an everyday look has to be the following things:
  • effortless, so you don’t look like you tried too hard
  • natural, so you don’t look like your going clubbing
  • comfortable
  • Long lasting, so you don’t end up with panda eyes at the end of the day!
  • quick – for someone like me who has morning issues =_=
First I just wanted to intro three items I think are perfect for everyday.
The first is Geo Angel Black circle lenses (CM-836)
As I mentioned in my previous post, I have a pair of Geo Magic Black lenses, which, at 15mm is really huge (although there are even bigger lenses out there). I tried wearing these to work once and people kept on staring trying to figure out what was wrong with my eyes! So I decided to buy a smaller pair. Geo Angel Black is 14.5.
The look is very natural. No can tell I’m wearing them, but a few people did comment that my eyes look really big 🙂
For comfort, these are amazing! But I never like to wear lenses for too long anyway so I actually took these out around lunch.

Kiss Me Long&Curl Mascara

I don’t really need another mascara, but I’ve heard so much about this one. The thing I hear most is how long lasting it is. I’m not really that into the packaging, especially the colour.

But I do love the curved applicator! This can really pick up even my tiny little stumpy lashes on the edges of my eye.

As for lengthening and curling, it isn’t outstandingly great at either, but it does have amazing staying power. This mascara does not budge. No sign of flaking, smudging or panda eyes for at least 12 hours. It stays so well it’s actually hard to remove it. So it’s really a perfect mascara for everyday.
Dolly Wink No.8 Pure Little lower lashes

There are just so amazingly natural looking. Not so great if you want a more dramatic look. No one can tell I’m wearing falsies with these. Actually my boss took a closer look today and asked if I had gotten eyelash extensions! There are so easy to apply too! Juts a little glue and pop it on! It took me 2minutes.
Here’s my FOTD using mainly the above products.

I did get a second look from people, but I think it was more because they are not used to me wearing makeup.

H&M Cropped Trench and Cue Dress.