I’ve been thinking for a long time that I wanted to try a much darker and more dramatic makeup style like the girls in Ageha
magazine. You guys have probably heard me say on multiple occasions that dark eye makeup makes me really nervous!! So today I’ve decided to take the plunge and slap on the gel liner!
I don’t really have all the appropriate tools, like the right colour blush and lipstick, and the eyebrow products that I think is quite essential for this look, but I’ve tried to make do with a few basics.
- Clarins Gold Attraction Palette
- Clarins Simmer Highlights
- Kiss Me Heroin Make Smooth Liquid Eyeliner
- Kiss Me Heroin Make Pencil Eyeliner
- Maybelline Eye Studio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner
- Clinque High Impact Mascara
- Chi Chi Lipstick in a light pink
- Estee Lauder Deluxe Allover Face Compact
- Other important stuff to be introduced below!
Step 1: Base
As always, start with a flawless base. I used Missha BB Boomer and Clinique Superpowder compact.
Another really important step is shading. I used Canmake Shading Powder to go around the outside of my face, and most importantly, on either side of the bridge of my nose. Highlight goes on the tip and bridge of the nose, as per image below.
Step 2: Eyeliner
Ageha makeup is all about the eyeliner, and lots of it! The look relies on lines to define the eye and make it look huge. I usually don’t use my Maybelline gel liner because it is very smudgy and gives me panda eyes, but for this look, it’s somewhat perfect.
I lined the top and the bottom (eek!) of my eyes with gel liner, then defined the lines with liquid liner and then added a lot of highlight in the inner corner, and also along the edge of the bottom line, just to make the black liner pop.
Another thing I notice Ageha models do is to put eyeliner in the middle of the tear line. This gives the elusion that your iris extends all the down to the edge of the lash line, and therefore makes your eyes look even bigger.
Step 3: False Lashes
I used Dolly Wink No2 Sweet girly, and No 7 Vivid Pop. I think a look like this is the only situation where I could use Vivid Pop!
Step 4: Eyebrows
The eyebrows is another very important aspect of this look. Ageha models lighten their eyelashes right down not only to match up with their hair colour, but also to give the eyes maximum emphasis.
Ideally I would have liked to use eyebrow concealer and eyebrow mascara to get this effect, but as I don’t have these in my tool box, I used my Clinique concealer to cover up my eyebrows as much as I could, then used a light brown eye shadow to paint them in.
Step 5: Lips and Cheek
This look needs very pale pink blush and powder pink lipstick.
I’m starting to think the darker eye makeup is not horrible on me after all! Next time I think I could afford to go even darker.
This experiment also helped me find out the next things in my makeup tool box that I’m going to have to stock up on, like more lippies. But as some of you might know, I’m going through a financial bump at the moment >.<; so to stave off anymore purchases, I’ve been looking through my drawers to look through my old castaway makeup and decided to give some old cast off lipsticks.
Some of these are 10 years old! They’ve gone a bit sticky, but actually surprisingly useful.
Another aside, I’ve made two changes to my blog this weekend.
I’ve changed my front page display to thumbnail and abstract format…This makes the page load a bit faster and less confusing to scroll through. What do you guys think of the change? Should I go back??
Second, I’ve decided that I had enough of Blogger’s unintuitive and laggy browser blog tool, and downloaded Windows Live Writer. What a difference! I can actually write in a window bigger than 40% of my monitor resolution! Is anyone else using this program?