On Saturday my friend Serra came over to my house with a big surprise……she baked me my favourite cake to celebrate hitting 100 followers on my blog!!
Isn’t it adorable?? She made everything from scratch, except the Marzipan. She said it was her first try working with Marzipan – she’s so good at it!!
The cake is called Princess Cake or Swedish Prinsesstarta – you might have seen it if you went to the IKEA and ate at the café. It’s a really delicious cake, but quite hard to make: two layers of sponge with jam in the middle, topped with a thick layer of cream and topped again with almond based marzipan. The Marzipan is always green.
It’s so amazing~ She even molded my favourite shoes – my purple Melissa Vivienne Westwood Dragon Lady Pumps!
It was really hard to cut such a pretty cake, but cakes are made to be eaten!! It was so yummy!!
I was so touched!
As usual, Serra is dressed so cute, and I’m so jealous of her accessories!
Necklace from DIVA
So gorgeous~ glass bead necklace she made herself!
I love Serra’s brand new Forever New skirt~ I love the detail! Forever New is growing on me.