I’ve been having an on-again-off-again relationship with my French Connection men’s style tuxedo blazer since I bought it last year during the Great Credit Card Addiction of 2010 (more on that next time). I think French Connection has those ‘trick mirrors’ which make every out fit you try look fabulous! Anyway I fell in love with this immediately, and bought it on sale for $150. My idea of what’s cheap fluctuates, so at the time I thought this was a steal!

Anyway I wore this jacket with practically everything, with shorts, over a dress, with similarly printed pants, even to work. But then I saw a bad photo of myself wearing it and decided it made me look like a man – does that ever happen to you?


In support of my current spending ban, I’ve decided to revisit fashion items I’ve decided never to wear again … to make it FEEL like I just brought home something new haha! In fact I think my shopping addiction isn’t about spending money at all. I just like getting and having things lol.


Wearing: Heart Hair Barrette: Mimco | Wayfarer Glasses, earrings, necklace: Ebay | Tuxedo Jacket: French Connection | Chiffon Shirt: American Apparel | Skirt: Forever New (Thrifted) | Ring: Temt (as seen on Shop Till you Drop Magazine) | Bangle: DIVA | Mulberry Alexa Inspired Bag: Thrifted | Blue stockings: Vintage | Brogues: Mimico


Also in my ebay buying phase, I was silly enough to buy a pair of ‘fake’ wayfarer glasses from one of those Chinese sellers. When they arrived I realized they were so huge and just looked silly. But they are growing on me now.


Sunday night I had dinner twice – so bad! First my boyfriend cooked a chicken curry~ Delicious!


Then I went over to Serra’s house for a Playstation Move game night! She made yummy cup cakes from the left over ingredients from my 100 Followers Princess Cake!


So Yummy!! I think I ate 5 >.<!

54 Ever since Playstation came out with Move and xbox came out with Kinect I’d dismissed them as Wii rip offs (I love Playstation because they carried the Final Fantasy Series though). I still think they are, but I have to give it to Playstation for making a pretty sophisticated controller.


It looks kinda silly with a big rubber ball on the top that I couldn’t help squeezing! But it’s made to detect the most intricate movement. It’s hard to explain, but which ever way your holding your controller, the corresponding sprite on the screen will face that direction. When you’re watching the game sometimes you actually think you’re really holding that thing on the screen.

The sound and vibration affects built into the controller
itself is very responsive and accurate. I love it when I was holding the paint brush and when I flicked it it actually felt like I was flicking a paint saturated blush.

Well I think it’s pretty cool. But I’m not really a console gamer anymore anyway, so I probably won’t get one for myself!


Putting on my lipstick LOL


And finally, my second dinner: Prosciutto and rocket pizza!! Yum~ From Crust.


1 Comment to “ Introducing…the Tuxedo Blazer!”

  1. Lita says :

    Hehe i love that outfit! The blazer looks pretty good on you^^ looks CUTE! 😀 And lol now i want a PlayStation move D: