Ok, I was sucked in by the fact that this blush is made with collaboration with Kumicky and also it was $5 off with my purchase of the Cosmagic Visual Up Brow. This is another product in the Kose ‘Cosmagic’ line, aimed at the younger female audience and the gyaru look. I really wanted the Strawberry Pink, but it was out of stock on Sasa.com so I bought the Peach Pink. Actually I would really have liked to get ‘Creamy Kumicky’ (yeah I know..), but I can’t find that anywhere!



The Deco Cheek comes with a cute palette, a mini blusher brush and a ‘pom pom stick’. Actually I found using my fingers worked better with this product.


There’s one cream blush (heart shaped), one light pink powder blush and a powder highlight.


I’m loving the detailed instructions, as always.


Both the cream blush and powder blush are very sheer, and don’t really build up to anything. On the other hand, the highlight is very effective. The consistency of the powder blush and highlight is a bit clumpy to be honest, and doesn’t apply very evenly.


This is what it looks like on me. Unfortunately, with my darker skin tone, most blushes don’t show up that well. This one only gives me a slight hint of colour.


You must be wondering by now, what’s ‘deco’ about this blush.

The plastic cover has a heart shaped ‘template’ that you can cut out.


You’re supposed to place the template on your cheek and apply blush over it. I think this is a great idea, but unfortunately this probably works better for someone with fairer skin. Can you see the heart shape…? orz..



  • Very cute packaging
  • Heart template idea is ingenious
  • The colours are flattering
  • The highlighter is very usable! I use it all over my face.


  • Colours are very sheer, and won’t show up on darker skin
  • The ‘pom pom stick’ is made with what looks like feathers, and the fibers just keep coming off like one of those annoying malting sweaters!
  • Both powder blush and highlight have loose and uneven consistencies
  • The mini brush is quality, but because of how loose the powders are, it just makes the powder go everywhere.

Overall I think this product is very gimmicky, and for $16.30USD on Sasa.com, there are better blushes out there. That said, I still love owning it for the cute box!

So what do you think, worth buying?

3 Comments to “ Worth buying? Cosmagic Sweet Deco Cheek”

  1. wtfwendy? says :

    aw the blush looks good on you! creates like a natural flush 🙂
    have you’ve tried any of canmake blushes??

  2. Chococcuro says :

    I haven’t, but I have the canmake shading powder, which I LOVE! You commented via phone? Your comment doesn’t show up on disqus O_O

  3. wtfwendy? says :

    eek really? I’m new to the whole blogging scene & yeah I’m commenting via phone :3