Having been unsuccessful on my hunt for a good Asian hair dresser in Canberra, I decided to wait till my trip to Perth to cut my hair. I’ve been hearing about this hair stylist in Perth, Kazu, a Japanese hair stylist who works at St James Hair Studio. I also read about him on Umeboss, a Perth based blog!


Kazu was not only incredibly skilled and experienced but he’s so friendly too. I love his dress sense!!! When he found out I spoke Japanese, he started chatting away with me in Japanese.

It was clear that Kazu is very popular with the Japanese community. While I was there (for 4 hours!) 4 or 5 Japanese people came through for trims. He was so friendly to them always gave everyone lots of advice. He scalded me for not treating my coloured hair every day >.<.


067I really went in thinking I was going to bleach all over and go for ash blonde, like I had been talking about for the past few weeks (example I gave him—>). But once again I was talked out of it! Kazu said that it’s a really big commitment because it WILL ruin my hair completely. He said these girls in the magazine get their hair done every few days to keep it nice, and if I can’t afford to get my hair redone every few weeks, it will just become quite disgusting. He suggested instead that I get something similar to Ombre and bleach only the bottom layer, so that the blonde shoes through the layers, but the damage won’t be too obvious. I also asked him to cut my fringe into thick bangs.


Bleh~~ Needs a hair cut so bad!! Regrowth~~




I love how he cut my fringe!


Bottom layer bleached for semi Ombre look. I can already tell that the bleached part is so dry and damaged. I’m kind of glad I didn’t bleach my whole hair. I may still do it one day though. This effect is actually quite cool for putting my hair into multi-toned braids.

I was quite happy with my cut and colour! It wasn’t the dramatic change I initially planned, but I really like how it looks.


I wasn’t able to take photos of this place myself, but these photos are taken from googlemaps ~ don’t you just lo
ve google?!

cbk (5)cbk (3)cbk (2)

Also a photo of their price list! I asked for bleach, so my cut and colour was way higher than the listed price 🙁 at $260! Apparently my hair was very difficult to colour because I have several layers of different colours they had to match.

cbk (7)


St James Hair Studio
Unit 2/218  James Street
Northbridge WA 6003
p: 9228 3339

Ask for Kazu 🙂