I’m not sure what the culture is like in other industries, but in the public service, work wear for women is anything longer than a mini skirt! There’s no need at all to wear a suit, and hardly anyone does, but I do wear them quite often just because I love the way they look. In my first year working full time, I stuck to the old white collar shirt and black pants/pencil skirt look, but I became so tired of it so I wouldn’t be seen dead in them now. Work wear for me now is anything that’s sufficiently modest, regardless of the colour, design or silhouette. The only problem is that the line between my work wear and off duty was beginning to blur, so to compensate, my off duty style has become incredibly casual as of late.


I love this dress from Review. The fabric reminds me of those old fashioned heavy brocade curtains, which I love for the rich texture and intricate designs. I loved this fabric so much, that on the same day, I also bought the skirt suit made from the same. The tailoring of the jacket and skirt is amazing, and each of the three pieces have a very distinctive Victorian feel.