Wearing: Floral cord top Top by Reverse, from Material Pleasures; Skirt from American Apparel; Raleigh Wedge by Dolce Vita, from http://www.revolveclothing.com (ask me how to get a 30% discount on any item).

Canberra is one of those transitional towns where almost everyone you meet have come from other parts of the country to work, and half of those are already leaving by the time you’ve gotten to know them. Inevitably, as my good friend Maria had already moved back to Perth for work, her fiancé Chris was the next to say goodbye to this sleepy town. We all went to Iori for his send off, one of the few ‘authentic’ Japanese restaurants in Canberra. I was a bit nervous about going there because I had applied for a waitressing job at their sister shop, Coo, a while back, but changed my mind and never turned up to the interview!


Chris is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met, and I think he’s going to make Maria very happy :). See you at the wedding!


1 Comment to “ Outfit of the day: Goodbye to another departing friend!”

  1. Ceciliaefendy says :

    Nice outfit!
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