So if anyone was wondering why there had been no updates on my Blog for a while, it was largely because one of my oldest friend’s, Maria’s, wedding day finally arrived! So I grabbed my bridesmaid’s dress and shoes, shoved an armful of emergency makeup supplies in a big black bag and sped myself over to Sydney for a couple of days to carry out all my bridesmaidly duties and of course, for a great party.

Maria had also asked me to take some photos, but unfortunately I broke my Canon 1000D right before leaving D: and had to borrow my housemate’s Olympus DSLR, which I have no experience with. The worst outcome of that was that I didn’t know he had it set on taking pictures in JPEG mode…who takes photos in JPEG mode?! As a result I had to touch up all the photos in photoshop with a side order of loss of picture quality and the photos didn’t turn out nearly as nice as I had planned.

Between hair, makeup and stuffing our faces, I managed to get some shots of Maria’s beautiful hair and makeup for her big day at her fiance’s house:


This is my favourite photos of Maria’s makeup. She looks so natural and glowy.


The groom, Chris’ mum made all the flower decorations for the wedding and this is the amazing bouquet she made for the bridesmaids. I really wanted to take this home with me, but with all the rush, I unfortunately left it at the reception hall! 🙁


At about noon, the groomsmen turned up in their shiny cars to chauffer us to the wedding. I think events like a wedding brings out everyone’s old fashioned chivalrous side. The groom was so sweet with the bride – taking her arm at all times; opening all the doors; fussing over her constantly – I thought at one stage he might lay his jacket over a puddle to save Maria’s dress. The groomsmen were also such gentlemen. It started raining that day, so they did all the running around for us so that we didn’t have to go in the rain and ruin our hair and makeup!


Shoshanna was Maria’s maid of honour. Her makeup looked amazing. While she said she didn’t think the hairdo was her style, I thought she looked really elegant!


These pictures skip the ceremony, so onwards to the party! All of Maria and Chris’ hard work for months and month paid off in a beautiful perfect wedding!

Below are some of our friends from Law School.SONY DSC

The groomsmen – they looked so dashing in their vests and tuxedos!


Some lucky folks went home with a huge chocolate jar I made as a game for the reception xD


As a photographer you largely remain faceless. Someone offered to take this photo for me and Maria. There was probably a reason I should have stayed out of the shots hehe.


Finally, the cutting of the cake. The couple just looked so happy I almost started crying again (I’m a wedding crier!)


My bridesmaid’s makeup look:


Hair up-do by local Seven Hills hair dresser. My blond layer looked like foils with this do.