
I wore: Boater Hat from Myer $10; Aviator Sunglasses by Witchery $29; T-shirt from the T-Bar $10; Denim Shorts from Jay Jay’s $20; Gold cuff ($5) and Socks ($3) from ASOS.com; Envelope back from Ebay $15; Peeptoe wedges by Country Road (gifted); Total outfit = $92; Laughing in the face of summer heat – priceless.

So a while ago I was looking in my wardrobe and I realized that in the past few years I’d completely purged out everything resembling the ordinary T-shirt from my life. If I were to sit on a therapists couch now I would probably talk about how this irrational behaviour has everything to do with the fact that my mum dressed me in all manner of oversized souvenir and corporate promotional T-shirts when I was in Primary school, making me the laughing stock of what was a shamelessly fashion backwards outback small town school.

Feeling ready to conquer my phobia of the T-shirt, I went out to fill my wardrobe void with a T-shirt with some simple specifications, described as follows: ‘slouchy, wide-sleaved mens cut t-shirt, in white, with a bold, monochromatic typographical print’.

Three months of searching later I ironically found the T-shirt matching this description for $10 at the T-Bar. In retrospect this store was probably the logical first stop! (I’m not sure why there are so many T-shirts about New York, but it does tend to be, typographically speaking, quite attractive a word)

I might also add my FOTD. Only lower lashes today, as I was having a ‘bad lash day’!


Do you also have a particular type of clothing you avoid like the proverbial plague?