I’ve known about the Canberra Handmade Markets (organized by the Handmade Shop) for some time now, but somehow I always felt it wouldn’t be my scene. I consider myself a pretty mass produced kind of person and like my things to be mass produced xD. Also, I have to be honest. When I hear the word ‘handmade’ I immediately get this picture of bearded hippies in hemp pants.

How wrong I was.

Having admittedly grown progressively more curious about this even over the months, and casually google image searched the event for the likely goods on sale, I knew that come this Weekend the time was right to get myself to the Handmade Market at last.

The event had such a buzz about it – independent locally based fashion designers with fresh ideas; talented young illustrators ingeniously selling their art in the form of daily bric-a-brac; kitch and retro nostalgia inspired jewellery; retro-futuristic steampunk-esque trinkets made from deconstructed watches. So much to see, and the quality was really impressive. These weren’t a couple of kids melting together plastic beads, every vendor was highly skilled and super professional.

I didn’t bring my DSLR out of respect – vendors are usually quite sensitive about their original ideals (sic intellectual property) being photographed, plastered all over the net and subsequently yoinked – but what I can share with you is the awesome buys I picked up.

This high quality canvas tote is from Vinyl Living (Vinyl Design). Apparently these bags usually cost $28, but the special price at the market was $20. I couldn’t resist! I love pugs!


One of the perks of handmade has got to be the attention to detail. I love how the bag is elegantly branded on the inside.


I also came across an awesome Sydney based illustrator collective called Lalaland. I suppose this is similar to a company like Thredless T Shirts, where illustrators have their illustrations printed and sold for a commission.

This amazing illustration and photo manipulation mixed media piece had me at ‘hello’! For $10, I just had to have it. Currently looking for the perfect place in m room to hang it!


Lalaland’s business card is eerily beautiful.


But unfortunately it was a Sunday afternoon and they ran out of string to tie my print boo.


Totally love their little paper shopping bag. I was tempted to ask them to give me a bunch for free lol.


Not only did I buy some awesome things, but I also met some awesome people at the handmade market. I stroke up a conversation with bubbly nurse/jewellery crafter Cazz at her stall. It turns out she’s a blogger too www.nerdburgerjewellery.blogspot.com.au and gosh it’s such a small world, the artwork for her business stationary is by my friend Nurie from http://whatnurieworetoday.tumblr.com/! From being a poor isolated little loner in Canberra, I can actually say i have mutual acquaintances now. Wow. 😛


Cazz’s jewellery creations are strongly influenced by 80’s 90’s nostalgia. Extremely cute and colourful, and reminds me of the myriad of treasures you would find at the 6%DOKIDOKI Shibuya boutique – one part deco loli, one part rock chic. I didn’t get to take any photos of Cazz’s work, but these are from her Etsy shop:


I actually couldn’t believe the amount of stock she had (and I saw them selling like hot cakes before my eyes). This girl is so dedicated and clearly spends hours each day making her pieces.

Also Cazz apparently has an obsession with the character Ursula from the Little Mermaid. Speaking of the little Mermaid, check out her tats!


Another person I was delighted to meet was Canberra’s Got Style, and now Ninaribina Makes blogger Ninaribina. When I first moved to Canberra I used to watch her blog to find out what there was to do in this tiny town, and then when I started blogging I learned so much from her! She totally has celebrity status for me! And she was so lovely and friendly. The cool neck thing she’s wearing is her prototype phone case necklace. I told her if she put those up for sale I’d totally buy one!


Someone I missed out on meeting at the Handmade Market was “An April Idea” illustrator Ana Prilidea. I was so taken by her whimsical Parisian cafe culture style. These card sample images from her website:




So overall, a really fun and inspiring day at the Handmade Markets. I’m now totally pumped to get back into craft like I’d been promising myself I would do for the best of last year. I also saw some amazing knitted work on my friend Chisa’s blog that I’m dying to try my hand at!

I might also mention that Chisa is doing ‘World’s Greatest Shave’ to support cancer research – Please sponsor her!

Been to an interesting event lately?