My friend Nurie and I got to talking lately…about how we both have to take our own outfit photos because we don’t have a dedicated boyfriend-photographer. So then the solution naturally dawned on us that we should totally do joint photo shoots!

For our first joint shoot, we decided on a fantasy picnic of decadence, and decided to call it the ‘Let them eat cake’ shoot! The scene was a warm and dreamy forest in midsummer, where time stood still, and reality faded into day dream.


Over a floaty silk white blanket we laid out summer fruits and magic caramel mud cake.


49504342And what better way to pass the endless afternoon away than to read classic romances: Pride and Prejudice; Gone with the Wind; Jane Eyre…



I loved Nurie’s picnic outfit, completely bedazzled with lace and flowers, and those adorable red shoes! It gave me an idea for one of our future shoots – Red riding hood anyone?


Check out Nurie’s Tumblr here=>
