It’s been a busy April for a magpie like me, and I’ve collected so many new shinies that I honestly can’t remember them all! Below are just some highlights.

First up is my new ‘dslr handbag’. It’s all the range now for Girls with Cameras, especially us blogger folk, who choose to bring out humungous dslr’s with us everywhere we go so as not to miss a single photo opportunity. But it’s just not a good look with one of those generic bulky camera bags hanging on your hip, ruining your every outfit. Throwing your dslr in your carry all is a big no no also, especially when you’ve spent $1000+ plus on your gear! You can get dslr handbags in all sorts of chic styles these days that fit into your wardrobe, but are strategically shaped and sized to fit your camera and other essentials.


Importantly there is a padded compartment to protect your expensive equipment!


Next is this train case I picked up just in time for my makeup gig for Love Vintage’s Canberra Times feature. I never thought I would buy myself one of these because I feel it’s somewhat like the tool belt for the home handyman: something you buy to make you feel pro, but doesn’t improve your skill!


It just so happened that on the day I bought the train case, Priceline was having an awesome promotion – ‘Beauty is in the bag’. Spend $60 and receive an arm full of beauty and cosmetics! As I mentioned on instagram, I picked up a second one of these bags especially for you guys, which will be up for grabs in my next giveaway!


Speaking of beauty and makeup, I was really stoked when I nabbed this Juicy Couture Love and Peace gift set for just $59! I’m still not totally sure why this set was discounted. The retail assistant said she didn’t know, but it must have had something to do with the packaging being slightly dinged. I couldn’t find said ding.


Factorie is an awesome chain store for dirt cheap accessories. But I can’t believe these printed wayfarer sunnies are back in mainstream territory now. My mum gave me one of these to wear when I was about 13, and it made me the laughing stock of my school! I didn’t care thought, because I thought they were totally cute. Who knows where those sunnies are now, but I’m still a huge fan, so I couldn’t help picking these up for $5 each!


And now to my new obsession, interior design. Typo was having a huge sale over Easter, and I picked up this awesome canvas print for $5.


These storage boxes are compartmentalising my life, and I love it. I wish I had picked up more when they were being sold for a pittance!


What shinies have you picked up this month?