Ok now, a jump back in time to February, when I first received in the mail my second ever set of lashes from Diamond Lash false eyelashes. Then go slightly forward to about the beginning of May, when I actually took the pictures for this review. I mention this because I’ve made some pretty fundamental changes to my appearance a couple of weeks ago. Not only am I ash blonde now, but I also now have silk eyelash extensions (via a Groupon coupon), and I can’t actually wear any false lashes (nor would I need to!). Just a heads up so you don’t read this post and go…huh…but I thought she was blonde now!?

If you’ve been following me for quite some time, you may remember my first Diamond Lash review back in August last year, which was of Diamond Lash Angel Eye. I was not in love with Angel Eye, but I am totally head over heels for Dolly eye! The look is natural and sweet, despite the rather spikey look to these lashes in the packaging.


The design is kind of your generic defined clumps and crisscross combination, but if you look closely, Damond Lash Dolly Eye is slightly more complex than that. The middle four clumps are longer and closer together, and feature straight rather than crisscross strands between clumps, so as to create volume and height in the centre of your upper eye line. I also notice that these lashes are somewhat shorter than other designs. So these are not aimed at elongating the eye ling. Rather, they are to create the big round puppy dog look.


As these lashes are quite stiff, I was worried they would be difficult to apply. But, making sure that I bent the lash band into shape before application, it was actually really easy! 99

I couldn’t be happier with the look. It isn’t that obvious that you’re wearing false lashes, but Diamond Lash Dolly Eye really works wonders in opening up the eyes, and creating the big wide eyed doll look.


One of the only issues with these is that because they are quite stiff, you basically have to work with the shape they come. So I couldn’t quite get these to curl upwards enough. As a result the length of these lashes was pretty much wasted from front view.


As for durability, I can see each pair lasting a high number of applications. The lashes are moulded, so there is there’s no chance of lashes moving along the spine. As long as you are gentle and don’t pull on them excessively (e.g. when removing lash glue), I can’t see these ripping on you for a long long time!


  • Natural looking when applied 
  • Effortless creates big dolly eyes 
  • Easy to apply 
  • Great value, with one pack containing 5 pairs
  • Durable, and one pair will likely last multiple applications


  • Stiff, making these difficult to bend into shape
  • Thick band will be very noticeable when you blink or close your eyes
  • Perhaps not a dramatic enough look for some