I feel like I’m becoming a broken record the way that I keep publishing posts about my Canberra Fash’n’Treasure hauls, but I don’t know if it’s just me, but this event just keeps getting better and better. The biggest difference I’ve seen is the rise of many established and semi established vendors who went to Fash’n’Treasure once or twice just to sell off old clothes, but then, realizing the potential of the vintage business, decided to go ‘legit’. This is in addition to a number of new professional vendors who have risen out of ecommerce obscurity, for whom an event like Fash’n’Treasure, which brings in all the fashionistas of Canberra, has provided a new vehicle for sales. With more opportunities for independent boutiques to reach new and broader customers bases, I see exciting growth potential for Canberra’s fashion scene.

This time, I had only 1 hour to shop as I had to rush off to Hair Flare to do makeup for the Material Pleasures x Librarian Chic photoshoot, and I was impulse buying left and right. But I’m sure many of you have heard my motto: ‘don’t think, just buy!’ By this I mean, if something catches your eye immediately, don’t analyse it, as it’s your heart telling you – YES!

Mind you, I didn’t have time to try on any of this stuff before I bought it, which is usually asking for buyers remorse, but when I finally did try everything on at home tonight I was happy with every piece!

So here they are, in order of acquisition.


Adorable pink ‘Clare’ handbag from Canberra handbag brand H for Handbag. $55.


Neon Pink and Seifuku motif knits from FELT. $25 and $29


Now I’m tempted to slash up the back of all my t-shirts xD


Slashed T-shirt and Zara Floral print blouse from MDJ Boutique. $25 and $355

Amazing knit cardigan/jacket by Alannah Hill for just $20. I usually feel Alannah Hill is a little bit too frilly for me, but this jacket is perfect. I love the concept of cardigans tailored as jackets, and this one has an amazing slightly A-line cut. I also picked up an amazing pair of vintage leather gloves from the same vendor, but true to my scatterbrain track record, I’ve already misplaced them!


Edgy jewellery from Canberra based stylist Coco Loco. Sunnies were from an up and coming vintage business by two lovely girls. Unfortunately I didn’t take down their details!

All up I spent just over $200 for all of the above. I feel lately my sense of value has been changing. Since breaking up with my ex I’ve been able to enjoy a great deal more financial freedom. I used to cringe at spending over $100 in a pop, and I considered anything over $30 to be on the expensive end. Now I feel like it doesn’t matter how much I spend at one go, as long as I loved what I bought. This is probably dangerous!

What’s your limit for $$ spent at one time?