I wore: White semi structured blazer – Witchery • Chiffon vest – Thrifted • Floral print trousers – www.asos.com • Clutch and ankle cuffs – ebay • Shoes – General Pants Co.


Today’s outfit is all about the poor forgotten pieces. The pieces that enjoyed about 5 minutes of exciting after purchase, and then were left unworn – but not unloved – in a corner of the wardrobe, while other less ‘senior’ members of the brigade were given their debut… I blame the recent sales, which had me in a bit of a retail frenzy for a while there, and left me with, wait for it, more clothes than I have time to wear! This is disappointing, as I have a rule that every piece I purchase has to be worn at least once before adding it to the ‘unwise purchase’ pile.

3 Comments to “ End of week outfit: Floral pants and white blazer”

  1. Khloé ♡ says :

    Love this outfit ! The pants are so pretty


    Xoxo | Chloé

  2. Sophia Molen says :

    Your old posts are highlighted in the related post widget! Super cute, but the images are of bad quality. Or is it my bad internet connection?


    1. Jiawa Liu says :

      Haha these were imported from Blogger so the images are all broken for some reason. I just don’t want to delete them.. :/