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We love hair on our heads and brows, but absolutely no where else – nowhere! But I have a naughty secret…

I don’t shave my underarms *DUN DUN DUN*!!

Being a total shaving sceptic and ridiculously unskilled at waxing, I’ve led a life of elbows pressed firmly to my sides, cheesy chicken dances and ‘royal’ waves.

Until now…! Wow, now I can be one of those girls in the club, putting my arms in the air ‘like I just don’t care’!


So what has opened up this new world for me?

Talking about that little sensitive issue for the first time on Closet Voyage – hair removal – let me introduce to Schick Hydro Silk.




Cleverly named ‘Hydro Silk’ because of the water activated moisturising serum, this is one serious razer. It promises to:

  • Give an incredibly close shave with 5 curve sensing super sharp blades
  • Protect skin from irritation with unique skin guards, and
  • Leave skin silky smooth with water activated moisturising serum infused with marine extracts



The Schick Hydro Silk starter pack comes with two razer refills and a handy stand. As it’s recommended that Schick Hydro Silk be used in the shower, this is perfect for hanging on the shower wall. 289The razer itself is actually quite cool looking, and even better, it’s moulded to fit perfectly in your hand.


One of the things I really love about this razer is the well articulated neck, which smoothly rotates to sit flush to the skin in all the angles you’ll likely hold it. Shaving tricky curvy parts like the underarms (etc.) is made easy.


But what’s really special about this razer is the water activated moisturising serum. These are the little white spots on the top and bottom of the razer. When dry, they look like packed powder.


When wet, the powder mixes with water and plumps up, releasing a super slippery gel (a bit like lubricant *ahem*). So you actually don’t need additional products like shaving gel. The serum also seems quite long lasting. I’ve used this razer every day for a week, and there’s not much sign of use yet. 


Replacing the razer head couldn’t be easier. Just press the release at the back, popping off the old, then clip on the new!


But the most important question is, does it work? Well, just check out the results. Schick Hydro Silk shaves super close every time, with no sign of stubble to be seen, and leaves skin moisturised to boot. So no more flashing my prehistoric forest armpits to the world!


Would you also like to give this amazing razer a try? I’ve been asked to assemble an elite team of 5 readers to road test Schick Hydro Silk! The road testers will:

  • Receive a free Schick Hydro Silk razer
  • Test out Schick Hydro Silk
  • Post a review about Schick Hydro Silk as a comment on this post

If you would like to be a part of this team, just answer the questions in the Rafflecopter widget. The winners will be announced on 13 August 2012!

This giveaway is open to Australia only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway