
I wore: Cardigan – Thrifted • Tiger Tank c/o www.romwe.com • Gold skirt by Style Nanda – Tressle • Micky Mouse Sunglasses and bag – www.ebay.com Perfect Spike by Jeffrey Campbellwww.solestruck.com


I don’t know what it is but charity stores in Canberra are amazing for cardigans…perhaps the cold climate? Personally I’m a huge fan of gramdma glam, so my kind of cardigan is oversized and, preferably, very daggy. I consistently find raffle tickets and scratchies in pockets of all the nicest cardigans I pick out, so it’s probably safe to conclude that the previous owners of these cardigans were actual gradma’s. I mean it totally makes sense. Our gradmas’ generation had great classic style. Though the young’ns label the likes of tweed dress suits and sensible sweaters ‘daggy’ now, these come from an age where clothing was crafted rather than manufactured, and being impeccably dressed meant something, what I think ‘the cardigan’ represents.