I just can’t rave about the Geo Mari Gold series enough, the first contact lens design with metallic specs. I’ve now tried three colours of the series, including Geo Mari Gold Grey and Geo Mari Gold Blue, and I’ve loved each one. Surprisingly, each colour in the series has its own unique look, partly due to the different ways the metallic specs look against the main colour. My final review is of Geo Mari Gold Violet, and I’m so excited to tell you guys about it!
Big thanks to Eyecandy Lens for sending these for me to review!
Brand: GEO
Origin: South Korea
Water content: 42%
Diameter: 14.2 mm
Base Curve: 8.6 Duration: 1 year disposable 17
Out of the three Geo Mari Gold lenses I’ve tried, along with grey and blue, the metallic specs are the most visible on the violet. This is no surprise, as violet and gold are complimentary colours, which, when placed together, make each other appear brighter. 
As I mentioned with Geo Mari Gold Blue, the Mari Gold series shows up incredibly well against very dark eyes.
The violet colour is vibrant, and yet not unnaturally vivid, and the gold spec clusters really makes the eyes standout. For this reason, despite Geo Mari Gold’s small size of 14.2, they have great enlarging effect. The defined outer ring also gives a very dolly look. The Mari Gold series look great without makeup, so it’s great to be able to create looks that don’t require tedious false lashes!
While Geo Mari Gold Grey is definitely my pick for the most natural and wearable of the series, Geo Mari Gold Violet is perhaps my favourite, just because of how incredibly pretty it is! Get the Geo Mari Gold series here!
  • Very unique design, but still somewhat natural looking 
  • The colour shows up extremely well even on very dark eyes
  • Violet and gold colours are complimentary and look beautiful together
  • Excellent enlargement despite the size
  • Quite comfortable 
  • Small size makes it easy to wear


  • At 14.2 mm, may be too small for some

Disclaimer: I can only review this lens from the point of view of appearance and my own personal experience. Contact lenses can be potentially harmful if faulty or not correctly worn.