Before I start this post, I want to point out that I am totally not a brand snob! I’m just idealistic about owning ‘the’ bag. I’d rather have one amazing, iconic piece, than a bunch of random bags with no identity.

As always, I’ll be attempting to enter the dreams of my loved ones Inception styles to plant the idea of buying me designer bags this Christmas. It never seems to work! Luckily there are websites where you can buy discounted authentic designer bags online! Reebonz regularly holds members only sales events of up to 70% off iconic ‘it’ bags from brands like Coach, Prada, Balenciaga and Celine.

This Christmas, Reebonz has selected 50 most desirable accessories in all the colours of Christmas to get obsessed about!


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Want to check out the sales? Click here for your official Closet Voyage invite!

Which designer bags are on your wish list?