Thanks for participating in my big giveaway with Vanity Box last month! It’s now time to announce the lucky winners.


And here they are!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

First prize goes to Helen To, who will receive:

  • 1x bb cream
  • 1x phone case
  • 1x lipstick
  • 2x eye shadow
  • 2x plat lip
  • 2x nail polish
  • 4x jewellery
  • 1x sticky notes

    Second prize goes to Phuju Pham, who will receive:

    • 1x phone case
    • 1x lipstick
    • 2x eye shadow
    • 2x plat lip
    • 3x nail polish
    • 4x jewellery
    • 1x sticky notes

    Third prize goes to Michelle Li, who will receive:

    • 1x eye shadow
    • 2x plat lip
    • 2x nail polish
    • 2x jewellery

    Forth prize goes to Birgit Hambrosch, who will receive:

    • 1x eye shadow
    • 2x plat lip

    The 15 remaining winners will each receive a $10 voucher for Vanity Box!

    Congratulations everyone!