IMG_3934A while ago I reviewed Berry Holic XTRA Grey contact lenses, which I had declared to be outstandingly natural. Today I’m looking at the brown of the series. Click ‘Read more’ to see what I think of these lenses and find out how you can win your own pair!
Product information:

  • Brand: GEO
  • Origin: South Korea
  • Water content: 38%
  • Diameter: 15.0 mm
  • Base Curve: 8.6
  • Duration: 1 year disposable

Berry Holic XTRA Brown is a no frills natural brown lens that mimics the look of the human iris. But what it does – giving beautifully natural looking brown eyes – it does extremely well. The design reminds me a lot of good old GEO Nudy, but with a less defined outer black ring. With the beautiful halo effect, you get these incredible deep and translucent natural brown eyes!
I was really happy with the colour, as some brown lenses can look very yellow. Also, I think 15.0 mm is the ideal size for circle lenses. They give excellent enlargement without being overly massive. That said, these would probably look strange without makeup.
I honestly can’t decide whether I like Berry Holic XTRA Grey or Brown better. Each deliver very different looks. While the grey is mature, striking and sexy, the brown is girl next door bambi eyes.
Eyecandy’s has kindly provided one pair of Berry Holic XTRA Brown to give away to one lucky reader! All you have to do is like Eyecandy’s facebook page. Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter for your chance to win!
This giveaway is open internationally to all countries that Eyecandy’s ships to!
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