
I was so intrigued by Royal Vision’s Creamy Greenis Blue lens, the first green and blue contact lens I’ve seen yet. By all accounts green and blue are considered to be clashing colours, but in the right context, they can look amazing together (somehow I think of Windows XP default theme?!). Surprisingly this lens looks so natural! Read on for the rest of my review.





  • Brand: Royal Vision (Vassen OEM)
  • Origin: South Korea
  • Water content: 42%
  • Diameter: 14.5 mm
  • Base Curve: 8.6
  • Duration: 6 months disposable



Royal Vision Creamy is a lens for all of you out there who prefer the smaller lenses. It’s 14.5mm size makes for easy application, and casual everyday use.


The design features alternating pastel blue and green clumps on a brown toned base. The ‘creamy’ part of this lens probably refers to the fact that the colours are on the pastel side.

However, when worn, I wouldn’t say the effect is all that ‘creamy’, at least on my very dark eyes. While the colours show up well, they loose much of their vibrancy. That said, I think the green and blue combination creates a really eye-catching look that’s really natural looking as well.


Despite the small 14.5mm size, Royal Vision Cream Greenish Blue has great enlargement. It’s ideal for minimal eye makeup, or even no makeup at all.

As for comfort, I found these to be perfectly comfortable. You should always keep your lenses and eyes hydrated throughout the day though, with a good contact lens safe eye drop like Rohto Lycee Rewetting Eye Drops.


Overall, Royal Vision Creamy Greenish Blue is a really fun lens that’s a good size to wear everyday with minimal to no makeup, and looks very natural at the same time. The colour shows up well against darker eyes, but would probably look best on those with lighter eyes. It would be interesting to see these lenses on someone who already has blue or green eyes.

Click here to learn more about these lenses.


By the way, there’s still ONE DAY left to enter my Royal Vision Bella 4 Tone Green giveaway courtesy of Eyecandy’s. Enter here!

And just a reminder to please provide an email that you check regularly when entering my giveaways. I’ve been unable to finalise my Berry Holic (XTRA) Brown giveaway because none of the winners I’ve selected has responded to my email 🙁