
No typo in the title. These are really my boyfriend’s jeans. Apart from the obvious waist size disparity, we’re about the same size in clothes. Lucky me! I get to borrow all the cool boyfriend stuff from his wardrobe – no cheap imitations. So far, his jeans fit me great, next I’ll be plundering his jackets and shirts. Although, there are probably no two people so different than my boyfriend and I. Where as I am a selfconfessed human magpie with a twinkle in the eye for fabulous shoes, he owns but two pairs. For me to supplement my wardrobe with his wardrobe, I would have to think of a cunning plan to instill an interest in fashion, in him. Now if I could succeed in doing that, ending world povety will seem like a walk in the park (I know what you’re thinking: First World Problems).

Espree Jacket
Equipment Signature Silk Shirt
My Boyfriend’s Jeans
Zara Ankle Strap Kitten Heels

Sale alert! Speaking of boyfriends, in Japan, Korea and China, men don’t give gifts to girls on Valentine’s Day. Instead, there’s a tradition of a second Valentine’s Day in March, when men traditionally have to give gifts. The person who came up with this idea must have been a man who kept on forgetting to buy his girlfriend a Valendine’s Day gift!