
In a coversation with my mother the other day, she said she doesn’t agree with leather jackets because they are not feminine. I was a bit surpised because to me leather was everything elegant and luxe. It occurs to me that people’s perceptions about leather and how it is worn is always evolving. In past decades leather was considered to be unlady like, and defined the images of rock bands and biker girlfriends. It was associated with outdoorsie kinds of lifestyles and of course, bondage, and seen as fabric of utility rather than fashion. But now people are starting to accept leather as an ideal material for almost every style of clothing, not just tube skirts or biker jackets, but button up shirts, draped dresses and baseball hats. And because it’s recently being used in relatively unconventional ways, it really gets me excited to see anything done in leather. Deep down, I am a bit of an animal rights activist who really should be shunning leather, but fashion turns me into the worlds biggest hypocrit.

VIPARO Leather Shorts
Vintage Guess? Leather Backpack
Zu Boots