Canberra girl and prospective medical student Brook Leslightwas selected to be a Miss World Australia 2013 contestant last month. I had the opportunity to pick her brains about being a contestant, and found that Brook is an articulate and mature young woman with both beauty and capability. With her genuine passion for humanitarian work, Brook is sure to be a strong contender. As part of the selection process, Brook is holding a charity fashion show at Hotel Realm Ostani Bar on the 27th of April. Tickets are $30 and are on sale here. Will I see you there?

Read on for my interview with this future beauty queen.

1.       Have you always lived in Canberra, and what do you love most about this city?

I grew up in Batemans Bay and moved to Canberra for university 3 years ago.  I have just graduated from UC with a Bachelor’s degree in medical science.  Canberra has a lot to offer for all ages and interests which is great.  There are always fun and interesting events going on all over the city.  The city has such a diverse background and because of that I have meet such fascinating people.

2.       What motivated you to apply for Miss World Australia?

I decided to take a year off of studying.  So between graduating at UC and wanting to continue studying at ANU in medicine I want to have a purpose with my time off.  I have always aspired to be a role model and inspire others. Not only does being involved in this competition inspire younger girls, but it also raises money for a charity that is dedicated to medicine, rural communities and education.  Which is perfect.  I was from a rural community and I have a deep love for medicine.

3.       What are you required to do as a contestant?

I was given a month and a half to raise money for the Miss Worlds charity, “Beauty with a purpose”.  Once this time is up (30thof April) I have to submit a portfolio describing what I have done to raise money, how much I have raised and why I want to become Miss World. If I am successful I will be contacted by sometime in May and be required to attend an interview, where I am asked the same questions, plus a ‘surprise’ question. I could be asked any sort of question; it may be on my views on the carbon tax or my views on child pageants.  If I am successful I will then compete in the National competition, where not only is charity work important, but my personal health is also assessed.

4.       What has the experience of being a contestant been like, and has it changed things in your life?

I have thoroughly enjoying this past month and a half.  This competition has been an eye opener.  Too many of us take the simplest of things for granted like having a packed lunch for school and being able to go to the doctor when we are sick.  The children in the Lilla community (the community that the charity supports) don’t have these privileges.  I wouldn’t say that I was naive as to the lack of equality that exists in Australia but I have certainly become more aware as to the extent that it exists.  It is great to know that the money that I raise is directly donated to the charity.

I have also met some extremely generous people who have donated endless resources to helping me raise the money.  However it has saddened me a little to realise that these people are quite hard to find.


5.       What values are important to you, and that you would like to represent as a role model to other young women?

“Believe to achieve”.  This is the motto I have always strived to live my life by.  If you want to inspire younger girl, you yourself need to be inspiring.  I believe that honesty, love, compassion and leading by example are vital values in an individual.  I try my very best to fulfil all of those values to be the best that I can be.  And just being true to yourself.  If you are true to yourself, you can never go wrong.

6.       What does ‘beauty’ mean to you?

I believe beauty is not only about being pleasurable to your senses but also being pleasant on the inside and it showing though on the outside of a person.  It is about being at pe
ace with yourself, accepting ones unique internal and external qualities.  Our unique qualities are what make us beautiful and too often people draw attention away from their unique features because they want to fit into what society says is ‘normal’.

I also believe that being a beautiful person you must look out for others and just be an honest genuine person.

7.       Apart from being a Miss World Australia contestant, what are your other passions?

I am actually passionate about many things;

– Science and medicine.  My goal is to become a surgeon after studying medicine at ANU.
  LOVE LOVE LOVE Fashion!  
– sport, especially equestrian

8.       So tell us about the charity event you are holding this Saturday.

Hotel Realm has kindly allowed me to hold the event in their Ostani bar. The fashion show is being styled by ‘Lovage’ Magazine, running between the hours of 3 till 5 pm. Tickets will be $30 and included in this price will be the following; entry to the event, live acoustic music, glass of sparking on arrival (donated by Rogue wines), exclusive viewing of a collection put together by the magazine and a spectacular lucky door prize very kindly donated.

9.       What brands/looks/themes will we expect to see at the fashion show?

Lovage is styling the show on this seasons upcoming trends.  At the moment we have only confirmed Wayne Cooper and Betts, but we will have a full list by tomorrow.

Tickets are still on sale for Brook’s charity fashion show this Saturday 27 April 2013. Find out more and get your tickets here!