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White mesh panel shirt c/o Romwe ASOS Vintage Wash Dungarees Zara Basic Satchel Lunch Bag ‘Lasso’ Studded Boots c/o Windsor Smith

Like the onesie of past (and current) seasons, the dungaree (or overall) is one of those styles that seemingly came from left field. It’s one of those styles that you’d see in your mum’s college photos or in Disney character—from whom you’d rarely take style cues—but when it was presented as a totes serious clothing choice, I bet I wasn’t the only one to send 10 tweets off at once to the effect of:‘I’ve been thinking of wearing dungarees for years but just couldn’t find them anywhere!’, whether that reflected the truth or not.

Yet other people might have been rather disgruntled, those who were forced to label their 90’s dungarees as a fashion blunder never to be repeated. Those rebellious enough to have stored their dungarees away, rather than discard them in shame, had the last laugh (just to be clear, I do not condone hoarding even if it is because ‘it might come into fashion again’).

Whatever your reaction, the dungaree was, and always will be, a ridiculously difficult style to wear. The look so easily lends itself to Lamb Chop barn related connotations. But if you’re shameless like me, I would just throw caution to the wind, because this is not your classic trouser or your ever day jean – the Dungaree is, by its nature, tongue in cheek, and should be styled accordingly. I debuted my ASOS vintage wash dungarees in my outfit for ASOS’ State of Fashion Campaign. Now it makes its second appearance, simply styled with a white T-shirt and my ‘Lasso’ western style boots (thanks to Windsor Smith) – a dressed up shoe is a must in my humble opinion.

Dungarees: Love or hate?