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Top c/o Chicnova VIPARO Leather Skirt (similar in black) The Cambridge Satchel Company Pastel 13” Satchel (11” here and 13” here) Studded Western Boots c/o Wittner Zara Biker Coat

I’m constantly confused by the messages people sport on their tees. My boyfriend once had a shirt that said ‘Don’t like me? Wait till you get to know me.’ I was never too sure how to take that. Just to be on the safe side I assumed it was some kind of a threat. It also makes me wonder what goes on in the mind of the designer when printing a shirt – do they print messages they want to say to the buyer, or perhaps, what the wearer would like to say about themselves? As a lawyer, I can’t help but approach these questions from a purely analytical point of view.

It’s no wonder, then, that this printed tee from Chicnova is the only one of its kind in my wardrobe. I love the irony of the message, ‘You can never be over dressed’, on a cropped sports jersey – a style that couldn’t be more underdressed.