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Drop Waist Mini Skirt from Tressle Canberra (similar here) Jeffrey Campbell Soiree Sandal in Clear and Metallic (here) 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli Satchel in Mixed Media (here)

I never thought I would be a fan of the drop waist/flounce hem silhouette, if only because I’m stubbornly averse to the style of the 80’s, and the drop waist inevitably evokes that era for me. But like my weird acquired obsession with Turkish Delight, the style has been catching my eye everywhere I see it, and ultimately I just had to buy in. I guess the original concept was an expression of femininity, but I love that the flounce hem has evolved into something more structured and sleek for modern consumption. This beyond cool skirt from local Canberra boutique Tressle is definitely not out of a 6-year-old’s fairy princess dream, being a weird combination of pretty and mean.

On the other hand, that’s a pretty awesome combination.

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3 Comments to “ DROP THE WAIST”

  1. Amanda Renee says :

    Such a flirty, chic look on you that I wouldn’t have thought to put together! I don’t see a link for your beige sweater; would you mind telling me where you got it? I’m kind of in love with it! 🙂

    – Amanda @

    1. Jiawa Liu says :

      Hey girl, this was from Zara such a long time ago, so I’m not sure if you could find it now!

  2. kurt says :

    love the camel sweater