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Picture this: Yours truly at age 18. A miniskirt and high sock wearing (pigtails to boot) secretary of the university Japanese Anime club and full time MMORPG gamer who ran a local retail shop that sold cosplay accessories, PVC figurines and trading card games. It shouldn’t surprise anyone then that my idea of ‘style’ at the time was dressing up like a doll right out of Gothic & Lolita Bible. It didn’t take me long, however, to figure out that the frilly girly thing was just not me. No – I’m definitely more of that awkward tomboy type, with my, apparently, proverbial sailor way with words.

Yet I can never shake that innate attraction to all that is frilly and poufy, like this ultra flared ovid skirt by ASOS. Unfortunately this one was sold out in white before my agonisingly slow 3G internet could load the ‘Check Out’ page (thanks kindly to Telstra infrastructure). I exaggerate, but the point is that I was left trolling eBay like a desperate mole-like creature on the off chance that it would turn up. My obsessive tendencies paid off this time, and here it is, albeit a size too big, but nothing a little tuck couldn’t fix

True to my (now full-on) aversion to all things girly, I had to boyfriend-ify this skirt with my sporty graphic shirt from Chicnova, which was just that little-too-long enough to straighten out this silhouette. I also couldn’t wait for another chance to take my new knee high strappy sandals thanks to Jessica Buurman. Though I have to say I’m very much regretting my blue nail polish.

ASOS Faux Leather Cap (here) Graphic Tee Shirt c/o Chicnova (here) ASOS Skirt in Ovoid Texture (in black here) 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli Medium in Mixed Media (here) “Tessia” T Strap Sandals c/o Jessica Buurman (here)