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With the New Year just hours away, I hope that you’ve had the opportunity to spend the Christmas period with your family and friends, that you ate and drank to your hearts content, and that you bought things that made you happy at the sales (all in moderation of course). I also hope that you lived 2013 without any regrets, or, if you did, that you forgive yourself all those little mistakes and look forward to doing it better the next time round.

My Jessica Buurman “Ackland” leopard print loafers have been taking me everywhere over the break, which, like all vacations, call for a lot of legwork. Who says beautiful shoes are not for walking? It’s been ultra hot as usual over the Christmas break. Being creative with outfits gets bumped down the priority list when all you’re thinking about is staying cool. That’s why I’m one for stocking up on flashy (but practical) shoes, ones that you can just slip into with the simplest of outfits for an instant boost.

As for what I’m thinking about for the New Year, I do have a few sartorial resolutions. First and foremost: buy in quality not quantity. Trying to sell off boxes of clothes on eBay has really brought home the perils of collecting too many clothes that turn out to be one hit wonders. Second, conquer my fear of accessorizing. Third, buy more jewelry –my current collection consists of but five pieces. Forth, consider going back to black. Hair, I mean. Would it be a big shock to see me not as a blond? And Fifth, and I’m afraid I have to quote Aunty Gok here, buy less, wear more!

“Acme” printed T shirt from ebay Zara White Skorts Leopard Loafers c/o Jessica Buurman Vintage Rabbit Fur Bag (thanks to Heatstorm Blog)  (similar)

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