IMG_7243 copy Minimalism asymmetric skirt
There was a weeks there where I was convinced I wouldn’t survive another minute without a pair of ZARA Asymmetric Skorts. Of course, because I gave in to temptation immediately, we’ll never know now whether I’d have died of longing or not. As you can imagine, fashion puts me through these trials on a regular basis. But we can’t be talking about that cult ZARA piece for ever. There’s been an explosion of asymmetric skirts/skorts on the retail scene since then, and naturally I’ve been building myself up a little collection. This faux leather number from Jessica Buurman combines an asymmetric cut with a satisfactory split. And what do I mean by ‘satisfactory’? Well, big scale, but still tasteful. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of ineffectual splits in skirts.Wear heels with this ensemble? Really? Nah-uh, it’s Birkenstocks 100%.Vintage Silk Tee (shoulder pads removed) ‘NAAL’ Asymmetric Skirt c/o Jessica Burrman Vintage Rabbit Fur Clutch from Heatstorm Blog(similar) Birkenstock Arizona’s (here, here and here)


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