While typing the title of this post I did do a little double take. I mean pretty much every post recently has been a black and white outfit. You’ll just have to go with me on this one. A lesson learned this year is just how easy it is to keep a monochrome wardrobe. Everything matches and it’s appropriate for all life situations. For the first time I’ve been having some forbidden overlap between my work and off duty wardrobes. Just as well, as even with the beautiful new drawers my lovely boyfriend built me a few weeks ago, space in my closet is about as premium as a house on the Palm Islands. A common fashion blogger problem, no?

There was a single warm day in Canberra over the weekend and I wasted no time in dashing out for some outdoor (eating-related) activities in my Lockdown Liberated ‘Lose It’ skirt. No tights! I just love an easy mini skirt for throwing together with a top and boots for transeasonal dressing. This clean and simple number is an awesome example of the souped-up classics from Lockdown Liberated’s current collection. Also check out my previous post with their ‘Follow My Lead’ striped tee.

Zara Crossover Blouse Rag Bone Newbury Boots

Zara Crossover Blouse Rag Bone Newbury Boots

Zara Crossover Blouse
Lockdown Liberated ‘Lose It’ Skirt in Black and White (here)
Rag & Bone Newbury Boots
Vintage Crossover Bag

8 Comments to “ Autumn Black and White with Lockdown Liberated”

  1. Joe Beverly says :

    lovely outfit, beautiful photographs, love the way you tied your hair . . .

    1. closetvoyage says :

      Aw thanks! Thinking of cutting my hair short…

      1. Joe Beverly says :

        How’s this for an idea? Give yourself a buzz cut, let it grow into a pixie, then shoulder length, then full length. Rinse and repeat. Your looks would constantly be changing, and you’d never have to pay for a hair cut! Or not . . . 🙂

        1. closetvoyage says :

          You’re so right! I don’t know if I could go through with cutting it all off tho! Plus hair does grow REALLY slow…

    1. closetvoyage says :

      Thanks Claudia!

    1. closetvoyage says :

      haha thank you!