A few weeks ago, I posted a photo of my meal at Canberra cafe Local Press on Instagram, which went just a little bit viral, resulting in many locals prodding me for details of this amazing new brunch place in Canberra is. So I thought it’s about time I let everyone know about my impressions of Local Press (from a bruncher’s point of view, of course).

Located at Kingston’s new foreshore development, Local Press a ‘wholefoods’ cafe, and is all about ‘foods free from additives and preservatives’ and ‘foods that have been processed and refined as little as possible.’ For ultra-health-conscious Canberrans, this is pretty much spot on.

The food is presented beautifully and, despite the many signs that it’s healthy, is extremely tastey. The dishes incorporate iconnically good-for-you ingredients like pomegranate seeds, kale and quinoa. The Green Pea Pancake is my favourite dish so far, topped with poached eggs, avocado, feta cheese and cherry tomatoes. In terms of the breakfast, my housemate pertinently pointed out that they could probably do with a nice crunchy piece of toast. If you are a traditional bacon and egg type of bruncher like me, you might be left still feeling peckish after finishing the plate. However, the food at Local Press is not likely to put you in a food coma either, probably for that very reason.

The delicious freshly squeezed juice blends are also a definite must try. Double plus, Local Press totally encourages customers to take the juice jars home after you finish.

Perhaps what Local Press has done most successfully is creating a truly cozy cafe atmosphere. The interior design is fresh, charming and creates a feeling of homeliness without being cluttered – in fact, it’s how I would love my home to look like. From the charming roughly rendered walls and recycled furnishings to the nautical themed decor and be-pompom-ed tea cozies, once you sit down, you find it difficult to leave. Local Press also takes full advantage of Kingston’s beautiful new foreshore. The full glass frontage opens to a rare waterfront view, making it able to be enjoyed whether sitting inside, or outside in the micro-garden dining area.

Finally, I have to give a mention to the excellent service at Local Press. The wait staff are genuinely friendly and helpful, and made the dining experience that much more enjoyable.

Local Press is located at 129 Trevellian Quay Kingston, Canberra and is open from Tuesday to Sunday. Find out more on their website, Facebook and Instagram (@localpresscafe)!

Read other reviews of Local Press posted by The Food AvenueLe Bon Vivat and Tweet Canberra.

canberra cafe local press

canberra cafe local press

canberra cafe local press

canberra cafe local press

canberra cafe local press

canberra cafe local press

canberra cafe local press

4 Comments to “ Canberra Cafe Local Press Review”

  1. Fab photos and your words perfectly captured the essence of Local Press! x

    1. closetvoyage says :

      Thanks Eileen! Huge compliment coming from a food blogger! 😀

  2. megan says :

    This is my favourite cafe at the moment – beautiful, healthy food and lovely staff – PERFECT!

    1. closetvoyage says :

      Me too, completely agree! But I’m getting a bit bummed that there aren’t more cafes this good…I can’t just keep going to Local Press every weekend!