I’m sure you already know that the next Hustle & Scout Twilight Fashion Markets in Canberra will be next Saturday, 5 July (the 3-8pm) at NewActon Nishi. What you might not know is that yours truly has been asked to be a ‘Style Scouter‘, for the July markets. Yup, I’ll be wondering around the market on Saturday with a massive camera looking for Canberra’s best street style. As if you needed another reason to dress fabulously!

I’ll be working alongside fellow Style Scouter, Heather Lansdowne from Heat Storm Blog.

Read mine and Heather’s mini interview on Hustle & Scout’s blog for some tips on what we’ll be looking out for on the night, and how to increase your chances to get snapped!

Hustle & Scout is ‘a new, seasonal event in Canberra showcasing high quality independent designer fashion, vintage fashion, jewellery and accessories.‘ On top of being able to shop an exclusive selection of Canberra’s best designers, Hustle & Scout is one of Canberra’s best social events, with live music,two bars, and a awesome laid back party atmosphere. Find out more about Hustle & Scout on its website, Facebook and Instagram (@hustleandscout).






4 Comments to “ Closet Voyage – Style Scounter at Hustle & Scout Twilight Fashion Market”

  1. megan says :

    So disappointed to be missing the markets this time round – you two will be the perfect style scouters!

    1. closetvoyage says :

      Aw! There is always the next one!

  2. 365hangers says :

    Sounds like so much fun and can’t wait to see what style you loved most from the event!

    xx 365hangers

    1. closetvoyage says :

      If past events are any indication, we’ll see a lot of diversity!