
Just another one of those things that makes me so not normal – my brain just turns off when racing season comes around and the racewear frenzy takes over. Me in a bright orange dress, giant fascinator and platform heels? It’s the stuff of comedy gold. On the other hand, if I could turn up to the Melbourne Cup in ripped jeans and a sweater I’d be all over that. My critics (i.e. my mother) often pull me up for dressing too casually, but it’s only because they’re not getting the gravity of what I’m trying to achieve here. It’s a social experiment. I’m attempting a single woman circumnavigation of the boundaries of smart casual. Of course, in saying that, I do believe in taking up the challenge of making something yours that’s is usually not you. Here’s me in racewear my way, in Dead Ivy ‘Forever After Frock‘  – unfeminine sexy way with a bit of edge. I love the whole once-piece-masquerading-as-a-two-piece thing.

Got your racewear sorted for Melbourne Cup?

‘Forever After’ Monochrome Dress c/o Dead Ivy
Single Strap Sandals – Zara

4 Comments to “ Racewear My Way”

  1. Lisa says :

    Wow! I like the height of the skirt a lot 🙂

    Lisa – AT LEAST BLOG

  2. Maria Marques says :

    So much love for this look! The skirt is gorgeous!


  3. Joe Beverly says :

    Now that’s what I call power dressing! Bad ass gorgeous!