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The maxi shirt dress – how to style this tricky trend

If you love the button down shirt (or have an unhealthy obsession for them as I do), then by extension, you should also love the shirt dress, right? But the difficulty lies in how quickly a shirt dress, worn on its own, can turn into something completely out of context – a night shirt (when you’re not going for pajama chic), a lab coat, or an awfully convincing nativity play costume. So how to nail this tricky trend?

My strategy when it comes to unfamiliar trends is to treat it like something you’re familiar with, and see what happens. Do with it what you would an ordinary shirt: layer it under a sweater, blazer it, or try my favourite: the front-tuck into a pair of amazing jeans. This is extra fun when you’ve got a silky shirt dress to work with, which will add a deliberately haphazard swish to your walk.

Finally, I feel it incumbent on me to add my piece to a somewhat controversial question: where does the shirt end and the shirt dress begin? I can’t emphasise enough how important the ‘bend-over test’ is. Because, sometimes when you think it’s a dress, well, maybe it just isn’t!

Shirt DressMay the Label
Ripped White Skinny Jeans – FRAME Denim (c/o Edwards Imports)
Mid-Heeled Sandals – ASOS
leather WatchThe Horse
Celine Trio Bag
Silver Bar NecklaceCorrey & Lyon

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6 Comments to “ Tricky Trend: How to wear the Maxi Shirt Dress”

  1. Mel says :

    So true that this is a tricky trend! Love the recommendation of tucking it in though. This looks awesome 🙂

    xx, Mel

    1. Jiawa Liu says :

      I’m so glad you found it useful 😀

  2. Giha says :

    This dress is awesome.! Specially because it can be styled in many ways!

    Xo, Giha

    1. Jiawa Liu says :

      Yes definitely what I love about it! I get so bored with clothes that can only be worn one way hehe

  3. MIRJAM says :

    Never thought of wearing a maxi-shirtdress but the way you combined it is great!
    bisou, mirjam

    1. Jiawa Liu says :

      Oh I love them! I reckon you could work it into your minimalist style too!