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My top tips on how to make the best of your weekends

Wearing: Oversized Knit JumperHello Parry

Weekends are like the Net-a-Porter sale: far in between, ubiquitously anticipated, and generally wonderful in every way. So when they come around, it’s game on to enjoy it to the fullest, before the weekday slog begins all over again. The Minimalist in me has been working to perfect my weekend game for years, and it’s so importance for me when juggling my full time job and my blogger duties. So here are my top tips on how to make the best of your weekends.

1Steer clear from chores

With so much time on your hands, the weekend is the time for doing all the things that you never get to do – road trips to the coast, long lunches with your bestie and the good ol’ bed-in where pants are never compulsory. Weekends being hallowed territory, they should never become the dumping ground for all the put-off-till-later chores of yesterday. But far be it for me to suggest that you should shirk those housekeeping responsibilities – my suggestion is to keep these to the weekdays instead.

2Combine your goals 

There’s so much to do, and so little time, but you can get the best out of your time by combining multiple goals into each activity. For example, a family outing to the local farmer’s market doubles as the weekly grocery shop. Turn workout sessions into a catch up with friends by organising a team game. Think you’re too busy for a visit to your favourite café this weekend? Think again. No one said you had to do your tax return at home – grab your laptop and work over a chai latte instead.

3Do the morning things

It might seem crazy for me to suggest that you should get yourself up early on a weekend, but all the best things on a weekend happen early in the morning. Brunch at your favourite cafe, flea markets, church sales and fun runs, just a few. And the best part: returning from your morning outing to find that it’s only half past ten, and the day is just begining.

4Plan ahead

With so much free time on your hands, it’s still worth while to plan your time on the weekend. Find out what time things are on, and plan around these so you don’t miss out. The further importance of planning ahead feeds into our final tip.

5Plan to relax

Relaxation is the key to productivity. Just ask Stanford researcher Cheri D. Mah, who found that basketball players dramatically improved their performance when they slept 10 hours a night. Therefore, a serious relaxation sesh should be one of your top goals on a weekend. Perhaps the biggest impediment to truly relaxing is an inevitable feeling of guilt – that we’re some how slacking off. To over come this, apply point 4, so you can leave one afternoon plan free – simply lay about the house, read a book, watch a few (or all) episodes of Game of Thrones and otherwise unabashedly do nothing at all. You will be surprised how much this energises you for the rest of the week.


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23 Comments to “ How to make the best of your weekends”

  1. Josephine T. says :

    Such a lovely post!
    I love ot get up early on weekends too, it means you have so much more time for all the things you want to do.



  2. beautiful shots!


  3. Love your photos!! U look so beautiful ~~


  4. Yulia says :

    Great tips! I often feel I don’t manage my time very well when it comes to weekends. I guess the first thing to do would be getting up early:)


    1. Jiawa Liu says :

      Hehe I’ve been struggling with that for years. Getting up early is definitely a biggy!

  5. May says :

    This post has made me realize that I’m not very good at the weekend game. I’m always so busy and worried and stressed that I hardly plan for relaxation at all. I gotta change that, and I think this post will definitely help me do that! Thank you! You look stunning, by the way, in these photos! That turtleneck is to die for!

    May x | THE MAYDEN

  6. Mil says :

    I totally hate waking up early, specially on the weekends, but it’s so worth it for a visit to a farmer’s market or flea market. Thanks for your tips! I love the sweater you’re wearing in that picture 🙂


  7. Laurie Young says :

    Amen to this Lady!! I’m a serial chore doer on the weekends – need to work on toning that down….

  8. Pam says :

    I loved reading this post! I’m going to try to follow your advice this weekend. Also, thanks for visiting my blog 🙂

    xx Pam

  9. Jenn says :

    I love this. Gonna keep these in mind this weekend.

    Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

  10. Amy Ann says :

    Good tips! I find I do have to plan to relax or it doesn’t happen! You’re so right that the best things do seem to happen in the morning.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  11. Naeun says :

    This is such a great post! Love all these tips especially the morning one. I’ve only recently decided to spend Saturday mornings awake instead of sleeping in and it’s definitely a lot better that way. Also love the oversized jumper – it looks so comfy! xx


  12. Love it! I actually love waking up early when I have no work to do!

  13. Elena Fomina says :

    This is a gorgeous day time shoot and look!



  14. Weekends are usually pretty hectic, I don’t have a very good life work balance. Always hustling , will take some of this advice (which I usually tell myself I will follow but never do) and give it a try again xx

  15. Weekends are definitely primed for relaxation in my opinion. I just love these tips you posted here. And I just love your lounge outfit as well girl.

    Kia / The House of KTS

  16. Gypsy Tan says :

    I’m loving with your style and photography – so glad I came across your blog!! New follower for sure 🙂

    xx Sabrina | http://www.gypsytan.co

  17. MyCityMyLondon says :

    Well when you are a mum, you have no option but to get up early everyday! lol

    Great ideas here:)


  18. MIRJAM says :

    great post – love the knit you’re wearing!
    bisou, Mirjam


  19. Thanks for your tips! I find them very useful! Actually I need to get up early to make more thing and enjoy more my weekends. Have a beautiful day!
    Mis perlas de moda

  20. ELIN BERLIN says :

    Ok, that sweater is just p e r f e c t i o n. Reminds me a lot of one from American Apparel that I hesitated to buy last fall, might have to go there for the upcoming autumn…

    ELIN BERLIN // http://www.1nightinberlin.blogspot.com

  21. Ramona says :

    I also like to combine things but never thought about doing documents in a cafe, will try that for sure! <3

  22. Jenny says :

    Lovely post, always enjoy reading ones like these and love your sweater <3
