
The Time-piece Love Affair

Editorial featuring: Movado Edge Watch

It’s so easy to take for granted that before smartphones, not wearing a watch spelt professional and academic ruin – there simply was no other way to tell the time on the go. But even to one unversed in the language of fashion as yours truly was, it was somehow important that choosing a time-piece was to be out of love. My first love was, rather unfortunately, a long yearned for pink Baby-G (as seen in Girlfriend magazine, bible of all misguided girlish desires). Like many teenage romances, that went the way of the break-dancer boyfriend with mommy issues.

Graduated now into what I’d like to think are more discerning tastes, the Movado Edge watch mirrors my current penchant for the simple and elegant, yet always skirting the verge of androgyny.

Is it so strange that the watch is an utterly personal thing? From its invention, it was never solely adored for its practical utility alone. Indeed, the idea of carrying time in your pocket was a work of engineering marvel and beauty, and inevitably exclusive to the small elite. So even now, to wear a beautiful time-piece is a sign of refinement, of confidence and busy-ness: an unspoken nod to our respect for time, both of others’ and our own. And therefore the time-piece is as jewellery or the forever handbag: one buys few, but chooses well.

Here in Paris, people live and breath this philosophy. It follows that the judgment of affordability necessarily scales with the quality desired – as my mother always said, it’s about value not price – and the frequency at which the Parisienne adds to their well-curated wardrobes. This, in my imaginings of the Parisian woman, is not a measurement in time, but a more nebulous unit of occasions that the concerns of the heart and mind are in alignment.

If one were to guess at the formula of love, if to define it were even possible, then this may begin with intrinsic beauty in the form and style, that beckons one to touch and look; the sensibilities of familiarly, trust and comfort that comes with heritage and history, and yes, the prestige of a label that stands for things dear to the heart. For me, luxury and  individuality are such some such things.


Shop the Movado Edge watch and other watches in the Edge Collection, and find Movado on Instagram.

Location: Montmarte, Paris, France | Photography: Your truely

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11 Comments to “ Reporting from Paris: The Time-piece Love Affair”

  1. Love this cool casual look! Those loafers are gorgeous.

  2. Great photography. Love that Comme des Garçon shirt x ||

  3. love this simple look! so good

  4. Miki says :

    Great photos. I love a good watch, but I am always banging it on the desk when I’m working on a laptop so I have to take it off. They truly are pieces that you can wear forever.


    1. Jiawa Liu says :

      That’s so true! I have the same issue with watches. Actually to be perfectly honest, I only wear them as part of my outfit – and I think every outfit needs a watch to be complete. If I’m doing anything practical like working at my desk I do take them off as well haha.

  5. Aria Di Bari says :

    This watch is so feminine, I love it!

    1. Jiawa Liu says :

      So glad you like it babe! I was massively into more masculine watches, but I’ve now yo-yo’ed back to feminine!

  6. Sarah-Allegra says :

    What an amazing timepiece and what gorgeous captures!

    xx Sarah-Allegra

  7. Chic Poradnik says :

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    If you would love to be featured on Chic Poradnik? Send me a few line about yourself and your fashion style. I am going to publish this article and photos on my blog soon.
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    Have a great day