4 Habits of the minimalist dresser
Cluse ‘La Vedette’ Classic Watches
24 mm Rose Gold Case | Eggshell Face | 12mm Strap | Grey & Pastel Pink Genuine Leather
More hardware and leather choices available online.
In the search for a certain happiness, which includes our perfect personal style, we might at some stage come to the realisation that the one indomitable hurdle is one’s own natural tendencies. Minimalism means surrounding ourselves with only those things which make us happy, and discarding the rest. Such an outlook comes naturally for some, but for the rest, we are ruled by our fear of scarcity. It’s the ‘more is more’ sentiment that, in practical terms, means collecting more clothes than we would ever want to wear, and dressing to impress others rather than ourselves. I feel that a reference to Stephen Covey’s seminal work is appropriate here: it’s habits and not behaviours that will lead to real change. So, pending any copyright infringement suits, the title of this article shall remain, ‘4 habits of the minimalist dresser’- values to curb those human magpie inclinations and rebel against the oppression of an unruly wardrobe.
1 Prioritising Quality
The import of quality is, at once, of utility and phycology. As to the former, quality things simply look better and last longer, and as to the latter, a respect for one’s clothes translates to respect for ourselves. Quality is found in the superiority of the material and the fineness of craftsmanship. For example, the soft and supple nature of a leather strap on a classic watch that conforms comfortably to the curve of your wrist.
2Comfort as a style consideration
While the minimalist may not consider comfort as the first criteria when getting dressed in the morning, it is certainly a ground for sartorial veto. The last question she asks herself before leaving the house is, ‘do I feel comfortable in this outfit?’ It’s not simply a matter practicality. It is universally understood that we are the most confident when we are comfortable, and confidence is the most powerful fashion accessory of all. Therefore, comfort is intrinsically connected to style. Indeed, it is an essential requirement in the minimalist manifesto.
3Making a statement through contrasts
When the minimalist dresser wants to make a statement with her personal style, she does not look to the shock value of a single item, such as a giant feathered headdress or sequinned trousers (though either of these are acceptable minimalist style choices in the right context). Rather, she is cunning in her use of contrasting the otherwise ordinary, whether this is in textures, shapes or colours. In my case case, it’s the pop of a delicate pink watch in a sea of monochrome.
4Being effortless
Acting effortlessly is not the same as acting without effort. It simply means never overthinking something that should come from the heart. The minimalist dresser is a student of her heart felt desires, and wears what she loves, not (solely) to garner affirmation. This it is a rather Taoist approach of yielding to nature and, in practical terms, building a wardrobe of only the things we love, and getting dressed by feeling and not logic. A piece of jewellery or time-piece, for example – the essential vessels of minimalist self-expression – is not worn for its invitation of notice, but rather as another phrase in the language of personal style. Indeed, in some ways, the desire is that it would go unnoticed, as this is would mean that its assimilation with our outward persona is complete.
Shop the Cluse Watches ‘La Vedette’ collection online, and follow Cluse on Instagram.
Location:Perth, Australia | Photography: Blogger’s Boyfriend
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Totally agree with each of these – style is in intrinsic and we shouldn’t look for external validation. It’s so important to love each piece in our closet for a cohesive little collection that we’re always satisfied with. Great post!
You are absolutely spot on dear! I think that with all the choices and information overload out there, we forget these basic and actually quite obvious truths! Thanks for reading 🙂
I love how thoughtful your personal style choices are. We should all aim to be so intentional in our daily lives. Excellent writing too, it’s very refreshing. Thank you!
Love the jeans you’re wearing in this article! Where are they from?
Thanks so much dear! These jeans are by DL1961, and you can find them here: http://bit.ly/2hoRecF