
Closet Voyage – Style Scounter at Hustle & Scout Twilight Fashion Market

I’m sure you already know that the next Hustle & Scout Twilight Fashion Markets in Canberra will be next Saturday, 5 July (the 3-8pm) at NewActon Nishi. What you might not know is that yours truly has been asked to be a ‘Style Scouter‘, for the July markets. Yup, I’ll be wondering around the market

TODAY’S LEVITATION Closet Voyage x Mussen

This month, Canberra’s radest fashion boutique Mussen turns one. Birthday snaps are all important, so that’s my excuse for playing dress up in my favourite items in store now. I was head to toe in Staple the Label for this shoot – isn’t it obvious from the copious mesh insertions and the feminine-masculine lines? This