
3 Winter Outerwear Essentials with Decjuba

My pick of 3 winter outerwear essentials and Decjuba’s first boutique in Perth

The Perfect Summer Sandal with Novo Shoes

I don’t do thongs – I mean, at all (for non-Aussies, this refers to footwear not undergarments), not on the beach and not on the street. And especially not on the street. I’ll stop there before this turns into a hateful tirade against what is probably Australia’s favourite summer sandal. Which brings me to, in

The Little Black Dress with Decjuba Canberra

As I put fingers to key board to open with a cliché ‘everyone needs them a little black dress’, I gave myself a metaphorical slap on the wrist – you deserve more from me than a sartorial pickup line. So instead, a question for you: is the little black dress still so prolific these days that